Government Of Nepal

Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development

Department of Livestock Services

Hariharbhawan, Lalitpur

Animal Quarantine Division

  • Represent Government of Nepal as a National Technical Authority in animal quarantine sector.
  • Facilitate export and import of animal, animal products and animal production inputs as per the recommended standards.
  • Implement existing laws and by-laws to prevent the entry of exotic animal diseases from animal, animal products and animal production inputs.
  • Update animal quarantine procedures as per the standard of Sanitary and Phyto-sanitary measures of World Trade Organization and regulate on quality of animal, animal products and animal production inputs, determine their standard, propose act, regulation and decides policy related to animal quarantine.
  • Effective implement of internal quarantine to prevent the spread of diseases from one place to another
  • Make necessary arrangements for the establishment and transfer of animal quarantine offices, checkposts, quarantine station (holdingyard).